Conduct Discipline

Self-discipline is the best policy
  • Our college atmosphere inspires the students to follow the rules and regulations of our college. It is the duty of each and every student to look and maintain the fresh and friendly atmosphere in the college campus. Our discipline committee takes care that the students will not forcibly but willingly follow all the rules of discipline.
  • According to University Act 1994, the students should strictly follow the following rules of discipline.
  • 75% of attendance in every subject is compulsory to appear for the college and university examinations.
  • A sincere and honest behavior is expected in the class and college campus.
  • Student’s should always maintain their I-Cards with them and show it to the enquiring authorities.
  • The students are not allowed to organize any function or form any union without the permission of the principal.
  • The student should follow the principle of maintaining peace and cleanliness in the college campus.
  • The students will have to compulsorily compensate the damage of the property and valuable things of the college.
  • The students are not allowed to consume drugs, (tobacco, alcohol, gutkha, supari etc.) and also not allowed to carry any poison, weapons with them.
  • College will not be responsible for the academic loss of the students due to their irresponsible attitudes towards the completion of assignments, tutorials, project works etc.
  • It is the duty of the students to go through the notice board daily.
  • Maharashtra State Government has strictly implemented the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999 strict legal action will be taken against the students if they violate the rules of ragging.
  • Cell phones, I-pods, Musical instrument etc. are strictly prohibited in the class and college campus.
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